Sunday, March 9, 2008

Why I became a blogger..

I always used think that blogging was sort of useless and I never considered there to be any value in "blogging" and thought it to be a waste of time... UNTIL I remembered the principle that exchange creates wealth. I believe that through the exchange of thoughts, we truly become wealthy with knowledge and wisdom.

There is a great passage which can be found in a book written by a man I consider to be a great friend and mentor. It begins, "Deep within the souls of all men stirs one eternal question. How each of us individually answers this question determines everything. It is in fact the question of life. It is not complex, sophisticated, or difficult to understand; yet, it is not often discovered by the conscious mind. In its most abbreviated form, the question of life is simply 'Will I choose to be free?' For millenia before the foundations of the world and continuing still today, the battle for the 'Eternal Cause of Liberty' has been waging between those who answer this one question in the affirmative and those who do not. The power of a man's mind allows him to penetrate the obscurity of ignorance and question the state of the world in which he finds himself. Darkness, doubt, fear, and despair-though the common experience for billions who have lived and are now living on the earth- are not the necessary or natural conditions of man. These are instead the result of choice, and the result of man's choice either tends toward devastating slumber or awakening greatness-toward captivity and death or liberty and life."
"Each of us chooses the perspective with which we approach the struggle for liberty and freedom. Those who choose to do so from a paradigm of scarcity become like 'starving dogs fighting over meatless bones' while those who choose the paradigm of abundance throw off the victim language and the helpless thoughts of the prisoner and begin seeing the end from the beginning. Those who see in abundance know that life is more than the false constructs and fake allurments of dialectical materialism. Those who choose to see in abundance throw off the habit of living constantly with a 'fear of loss' and instead make a deliberate and concentrated effort to develop a faith in true principles."
I believe I am a woman with the ability to live a life worth loving, to live a life of principle full of abundance and prosperity. There is no justification for living a life of quiet desperation. I write the story of my life each day through action and deed, and I choose to be a hero and not a victim in the story I write each day. I have decided to begin each day with this proclamation...I am the woman who loves her life!


Heather said...

Hey Heathe! I am so glad you are blogging now. It's been a fun way for our friends and family to stay up with the Eastman's in NYC! I hope to hear from you soon.

Unknown said...

Excellent thoughts, Heather. The sharing of knowledge and wisdom, I believe, is that way in which we will pull this nation back from the brink it is teetering on. Sometimes it feels as if you're smallest pebble in the pond, sunk to the bottom before you can even make a ripple. But that just isn't so. That one single ripple touches another until it spread across the entire pond, or the world, such as it is. So keep up the good work!