I came across a book review of David Freddoso's book, "The Case Against Barack Obama" which I thought brought up some brain-on points as to why electing Obama may be a poor choice in the upcoming elections.
"David Freddoso's "The Case Against Barack Obama" is a well-researched 240 pages which lays out the case that Barack Obama is anything but the agent of "change" and "reform" which he wants voters to "hope" he is.
Freddoso shows that almost every time Obama was in a position to support reform or a reformer, he has instead sided with the corrupt political machine (he did come out of Chicago politics, after all) which promoted his future.
Through a combination of ruthless (but legal) action to eliminate competitors from the ballot and blind good luck (two opponents whose messy divorces give him an open path to election), Obama has gotten to be a US Senator without winning any seriously contested election.
He has no experience in any area of government which might qualify him to be President of the United States. He makes errors in statement and judgment, but has positioned himself in such a way that any criticism must make the critic a racist. He wants to raise every tax he has heard of, including saying in a debate that he'd raise capital gains tax rates even if it meant the government took in less revenue (in the interest of "fairness")!
The American people are catching on, and Freddoso's book should help. In a year that has so much going for Democrats, the fact that Obama and McCain are virtually tied says volumes. It's not just Obama's obstinacy in support of policies which create high energy prices. It's also that his utter lack of qualification is starting to show through the shiny rhetoric.
The book also goes into great detail about Obama's past "radical influences", not just the Reverend Jeremiah Wright (whom we've all heard too much about), but several others, showing that there's a clear trend in Obama's best-known friends and influences: They hate(d) their nation and people who aren't black.
Freddoso makes it clear that he doesn't believe Obama is a Communist or a terrorist or even a racist even though so many of his close associates are. But these associations cast serious doubt on Obama's judgment and on his likely tendencies in situations where an answer requires a true and fair understanding of this nation.
As someone who lived in Chicago for a long time, I can say I have never heard of a clean Chicago politician...and that includes Obama. His too-close relationship with slum lords including Tony Rezko shows him to be all too willing to funnel taxpayer money to his campaign contributors, regardless of the evil they perpetrated with that money.
Freddoso spends a bit of time on the issues of taxes and ethanol, but heaps his greatest (and well-deserved) scorn on Obama's opposition to a bill which would guarantee that babies born alive be given the same protection of rule and law that any other humans receive. The issue came up after a nurse at a hospital was handed a very premature baby who was born alive after an abortion failed to kill it. The hospital, at the aborting mother's instruction, refused to offer medical care to the baby. The nurse held it for the 45 minutes until it died.
Keep in mind as I write this that I am pro-choice....
Obama's position was a reprehensible and erroneous grasp at using
Roe v. Wade as an excuse to block a bill simply saying that a baby already born can't be left to die. The measure had no implications for abortion law, and when a similar bill came to the US Senate the same year, it passed unanimously, including with the votes of the most pro-choice Senators. Yet Obama opposed more "born alive" legislation the following year.
[If you don't believe me that this bill had nothing to do with the legality of abortion, you can read the bill's full text HERE and see for yourself. You can see Obama's gutless "present" vote, which has the same effect as a "no" vote, HERE. And you can see Obama's truly stupid "constitutional muster" argument on page 86 of THIS document.]
There is no way to view Obama's position other than as truly reprehensible, and I believe this is an issue which should be spoken of far more in public.
Obama's lead among women, which he must have to win in November, is shrinking and is now less than other Democratic candidates had at similar points during recent presidential campaigns. If Obama's support for infanticide becomes as public as it should, it would do tremendous damage to him...especially given the knife-edge that his support among women already rests on due to his having beaten Hillary.
"The Case Against Barack Obama" is a quick read that's well worth the time of anyone who wants to understand what we may really be subjecting ourselves too if American voters don't follow Obama's own words to look at deeds rather than words when examining his history, as well as his own words, spoken in 2004, that there's no way he could be ready to be President in 2008."
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